Who? Where? When? What?
Dublin Core
Who? Where? When? What?
Unidentified items in the archives
Help identify the who, where, when, and what of these items in the archives. Sometimes we have partial info on an image and are looking for more. You can help! Contact archives@txlcms.org with the item title (ex. confirmation photos) and the file name (appears when your device cursor hovers on the image) and details as to who is in the picture, where and when was it taken, and what was the occasion.
Collection Items
Black and white photos of unknown residence or building. Where? What?
These churches can be identified by name but where are they located? And approximately when was the picture taken?
Can you identify the who, where, and when of these confirmation photos?
Do you know who this is? Where? When?
Do you know this family and when this photo might have been taken?
Do you know who this is? When the picture was taken? Where?
Do you know any of these people? When and where the photo was taken? What was the occasion?
Can you identify these churches? Name? Where? When?
Who are these people? Where was the photo taken? When? What is the occasion?
Can you identify these churches? Name? Where? When?